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Membership Agreement Template

This Membership Agreement (" Agreement ") is entered into by 



(" Organization ")  

Member Name 


(" Member "),

 and comes into 

effect as of [Date.]

1. Member Benefits

As of part of Membership with





the Member will receive the

[ Outline member benefits ]

2. Member Dues

Outline membership price, payment schedule, and acceptable payment methods.

Include a statement about late payments or failure to pay and the consequences the

Member would face.  

3. Restrictions

The Member agrees that they will not:

  • Share their login information with non-members

  • Reproduce any of the information received as part of their membership and share
    it with non-members


  • Post inappropriate, inaccurate or offensive content to membership forums and discussions

  • Add any other restrictions you deem necessary

4. Liability

The Member will not hold the Organization liable for any 

tangible or intangible damage

that might happen to them while participating in the membership.

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스크린샷 2024-12-16 오전 11.38.51.png

©International Healthcare Innovation Summit. All Rights Reserved.

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